Sun May 08, 2022 2:04 PM ( updated 3 mo. 3 wk. ago )
Update: Chapter 2 - Getting Even Closer
Things haven’t been moving along nearly as fast as I would have thought; however, it’s a decision of priorities in life, and at the end of the day I’m happy with where things are at.
The latest on things
- I added Help a Fellow Dev to LHD (try it out!)
- Began the resource pages for a few key resources (svelte, windiCSS, routify, vite)
- The wizard is not complete but enough to get feedback
- This site (knight.works) is completely moved over to new structure (no more cockpit api)
- Frontierjs site is barren still; I need to make a splash page still, decided to use Frontier for it instead of carrd
Next Steps
- Finish resource structure and design
- Start adding helpful content as I come across problems of my own
- Start on CSS rough draft in hopes to clarify my own styling process (this will be the basis for the guide)
- create splash page content (this is a list of the fronts that frontierjs manages and a description)
- create a mockup
- implement with Frontier
Wrapping up
Well, that is it for now. Till we meet again.