In the process of building something big

Sun May 08, 2022 2:04 PM ( updated 3 mo. 3 wk. ago )

Update: Chapter 2 - Getting Closer

Update on

Current state of affairs

Here is where I left off:

Placeholder pages for Sites and infrastructure

Slack and mailchimp are up and running. (getting more into discord as time goes on, we’ll see; also looking at since I was recommended using a forum structure instead of slack/discord structure and I could deploy it locally)

LearnHow is up, for the most part! is working fine minus some issues linking between articles. #todo

FrontierJS needs work. It will eventually become a Frontier site and it wouldn’t be hard at all to make work. But since it is lowest priority I wonder if this would be a good test for

Content Pages and resources for LearnHow (LHD) has a basic structure but I’m not quite finished thinking through the content structure.

Once have the structure, I have a first article in mind related to a current project. It has to do with implementing designs from figma into css via WindiCSS.

Assessment or Engagment Wizard

For the wizard, I came across and it seemed interesting for a couple of different reasons, so I decided to implement the wizard using it…at least short term.

As I have built it out, I realized how complex the convesation can become and how many paths it could potentially go down. And while there has been UI issues, working it out in Typebot has been helpful to have mock conversations and overall a good experience.

I still need to massage all the flows and review how to make it most effective - for the users and for my goals.

Organizing Frontier Codebase

Alot has been going on here and probably deserves reflection and its own article.

Some things of note:

Next Steps

